By Faith Chatham - July 21, 2015
We have witnessed an erosion in the progress for self-determination and full rights of citizenship for women this past year. Many of us who are old enough to remember when a woman had to have her husband or father as co-signer for loans or sale of personal property, are appalled at the mindset of many incumbents in state and federal office.
There are two high profile women running for President this year. One reinforces the failed discriminatory polices of many incumbents. Electing just any ole woman to office does not improve the circumstances of most American women and girls and their families. It is necessary to elect PEOPLE who further policies which are fair, just and humane.
Last year we witnessed EVERY REPUBLICAN in the U.S. HOUSE and U.S.SENATE vote against the Pay Day Fairness Act. Republican women voted against the best interest of their own daughters, sisters, friends and neighbors. So we need to elect more women (from both party's) but especially we need to elect more Progressives and that usually means more Democratic women to the U.S. House, U.S. Senate and U.S. Presidency.
As a progressive, I respect Senator Sanders and Senator Warren. As a progressive, I see no candidate on the G.O.P. side of any gender who represents my values or who will improve the economy of this nation or any other, further civil rights, honor people of all genders and sexual orientation, or value peace over war mongering.
As a pragmatic patriotic American, I support Hillary Rodham Clinton for President because I know she is absolutely the best person for the job. Opposing her makes no sense to me.
1. Why peel off some of the strongest progressive incumbents from the Senate when the margins in that chamber are so narrow anyway!
2. Why support someone who has less international experience and has gotten fewer policies implemented?
3. What sense does it make for a progressive to oppose Hillary when she has her progressive track record that streams from her early days organizing in the valley of Texas to working on the world stage to further the situation of women and girls, fighting for decades for affordable health care for all people. What sense does it make to claim that others are more progressive or populist than a women who consistently shows compassion, respect for humans in all socio economic groups, of all genders, sexual orientations, and race?
4. Opposing Hillary because Republicans hate her makes no sense to me either. Of course they hate her. She is the strongest candidate standing between their ambition to reclaim the White House. I see their opposition (and the cadre of paid trolls they employ to slander her) as an endorsement that she is the best candidate for the job!
I refuse to defame the records of other Democrats who run against her. I refuse to sit silently while others call her names, lie and slander her reputation for whatever reasons. Contested primaries are good for the party. I acknowledge that everyone does not have to share my opinion and my viewpoint. Friends are welcome to support which ever candidate they feel will best further their issues. Discussions of issues and trackrecords are welcomed. Discourse which is merely character assassinations is not political discourse and I refuse to engage in it.
On social media, it is discouraging to read posts by Democrats which resemble that of Republican trolls. When people engage in that level of slander and juvenile name calling without posting reasons which have substance, I block them from posting on my wall. This is my small way of promoting free speech without allowing abuse. Our nation permits people to express opinions. As an individual, I do not have to subject myself to persistent base conversations which are intended to tear down without presenting reasons or facts. Most who are feeding off of jealousy and hate are unable to cite reasons or facts.
This is my opinion. I am speaking as an individual and not in behalf of any group or organization to which I belong.